Adult/Family Support Groups and Services
Adult Groups and Services Offered

Case Management, Information & Referrals
Individual and Family Counseling, Emergency Assistance, Information, and Advocacy.
For more information, contact the Family Resource Center’s Intake Coordinator: Ms. Patty Sanchez at

English as a Second Language (ESL) classes
This program offers a variety of techniques to help individuals better communicate in English by improving their speaking, listening,
reading and writing skills.

Parenting Classes
The program offers nurturing parenting skills, family-centered trauma-informed awareness and prevention to strengthen nurturing parent approaches for positive child-rearing and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) prevention.

Substance Abuse Relapse Prevention Group
A 12-week interactive didactic, educational and informational life skills group designed to increase participant’s knowledge and understanding of substance use disorders, increase participant’s self-awareness and motivation and help participants develop a relapse prevention plan to make choices that lead to positive lifestyle changes.

Anger Management Classes
Group provides an environment where the participants can identify issues related to their inability to control their anger. Participants learn more appropriate behaviors and how to utilize effective coping techniques.

The Fatherhood Empowerment Project
The Fatherhood Empowerment Project utilizes skills-based, evidence-informed activities and services, designed to improve the relationships between fathers and their children who are in Foster Care placements or at risk for out-of-home placement and have been previously diagnosed with learning disabilities. The program offers fathers the opportunities to gain the knowledge and skills to appropriately address their children’s challenges and limitations.